Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Withdrawn Prevent Duty: catalogue of training courses

Government training designed to help implement the Prevent duty. It offers an introduction to the Prevent duty, and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves. Guidance for schools and childcare providers on preventing children and young people from being drawn into terrorism. In the meantime we have listed below online learning with other providers that practitioners might find useful. This offers an introduction to the Prevent duty, and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.

home office prevent training

Content is fact checked after it has been edited and before publication. A step-by-step guide on how to implement the Prevent duty in your school. The toolkit includes ideas, resources and best practice approaches to support primary and secondary school practitioners. To help us improve GOV.UK, we’d like to know more about your visit today.

Prevent Radicalisation and Extremism by Acting Early

He talked about the reasons things were going wrong, for you, for him, other friends, family. More important than any one sign is the feeling that something is not right. Friends and family are often the first to spot worrying changes taking place.

home office prevent training

These can be big or small changes that take place very quickly or over a longer period. You won’t be wasting our time and you won’t ruin lives, but you might save them. Otherwise, please proceed to our new learning management system to return to your training. If you want to go back to a course, or start a course, bought from our old website then you may need to login to our original learning management system.


Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. By being creative and using items around the house for exercise, you can be sure to keep your body moving and your mind sharp. Exercise may also help prevent repetitive strain injuries that may occur while spending countless hours at your home office work station. It may be helpful to set an alarm to ring every hour to remind you to sit up properly while working.

home office prevent training

The Partnership is committed to ensuring that any training we provide will be accurate, relevant and effective regardless of the method of delivery. We are currently assessing options regarding our own provision of e-learning training courses and other digital training opportunities and further information will be listed here in due course. KBSP has a duty to support all organisations in Bristol that work with children and families to develop practitioners’ skills regarding safeguarding and child protection. In addition to the inter agency training programme we have published training standards.

PREVENT training and awareness raising resources:

A workshop with video content that explains Prevent, the radicalisation process, how to identify at-risk students, how to raise concerns and what an appropriate response looks like. Local Prevent partners may be able to help you organise a workshop if you want personalised WRAP training. PACE provide a free e-learning resource aimed at Parents and Carers but also suitable as an introduction to the subject for professionals. This is suitable for anyone working with children or parents/carers. The free course introduces signs and indicators, the impact of CSE on families and what to do if you suspect a child is at risk of CSE. Bristol City Council course for professionals who may need to recognise the signs of abuse or neglect in adults with care and support needs, and know what to do in response to concerns.

The course comprises video, audio, reflective practice, case studies and real-world scenarios for a rounded, effective learning experience. Virtual College is extremely proud that one of our e-learning courses, Understanding Pathways to Extremism and the Prevent Programme, has been highlighted in the Home Office's Prevent Training catalogue. Prevent referrals are not made to the Home Office; they are handled by expert officers in the local police force. Does not target any one community and deals with all forms of terrorism, including Islamist, extreme right-wing and Mixed, Unclear or Unstable ideologies.

Prevent duty training

The optimum office chair seat height right for you is still dependent upon your height and the height of your desk. The height of your desk should be between 25 and 30 inches, with the optimum height of 28.5 inches. On their own, laptops and tablets do not allow you to separate the keyboard from the monitor, forcing you to look down at the screen while working. If you already have an office in your home, simply check that your keyboard, monitor, and desk are the proper height and you are able to reach all the things you need while working.

home office prevent training

An introduction to radicalisation and how to support students who may be at risk. It’s important you understand Prevent and the role you play in helping your school meet its Prevent duty. Whatever option you choose, the key thing is that all staff know what to do if they have a concern.

Is not a tool for spying or surveillance, and the Prevent Duty does not place any restrictions on free speech. It is part of the wider safeguarding obligations we have towards protecting vulnerable people, in this case people who are vulnerable to radicalisation. You may need to get creative when adjusting the monitor height. Sometimes a small stack of books can be used to ensure the monitor is at the proper level when working.

home office prevent training

Prevent is part of CONTEST, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. The aim of Prevent is to stop people becoming terrorists or support terrorism. Exercising can keep your heart and lungs healthy, and it may help decrease aches and pains that occur from performing desk work each and every day.

This e-learning uses animations and voice that is not supported by older versions of this browser. A basic version of this training is currently being developed to be compatible with this version of Internet Explorer. To access the full e-learning this product can be accessed through Chrome, Internet Explorer 11+, Firefox or Safari browsers. Until this is launched please try and access the training through a desktop or laptop. This product can be accessed through Chrome, Internet Explorer 11+, Firefox or Safari.

home office prevent training

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